Sunday, September 16, 2012

Down Syndrome Awareness at the Zoo!

Thanks to our friend Tasha (Piper's Mommy), we just recently joined the T21 club of the Delaware Valley.  Through there, we found out about their annual Down Syndrome awareness day at the Philadelphia Zoo!  I was looking forward to bringing the kids, because each time we go to a venue like this, I feel as though the interest level grows and they are more into the the things that we are doing.  It was perfect weather for a day at the zoo!

The past week we have gotten some great tidbits of information from both Colin's preschool and the new daycare that he has been attending.  Now that he has had time to warm up, I feel as though his teachers are commenting more on his personality or writing notes about how funny and sweet he is.  There are certainly things we need to work on as well, but it's always encouraging to hear such great things!

Since Uncle Pat lives nearby, and Nana and Granddad were already in the area, we met up with them too!

This girl is AFRAID of animals right now which is odd to me because she didn't have any specific experiences to warrant that.  She cannot handle any size dog coming near her or she goes into a panic.  So, I was a little surprised that she walked around the petting area of the zoo without running away, but you better believe she didn't go near the animals that were walking around.

When we first got there, the kids were really anxious to walk (which I am happy that we are in a place where it can happen this way) BUT, they also like to go and do what they want at the moment.  However, they were really into checking out some of the exhibits or pointing things out.  

When it came to some of the bigger animals though that were behind glass, they were really anxious and whiney because it appeared as though they were getting close to them.

I love seeing curious kids! Uncle Pat did a LOT of help in the "chasing after the kids" department.  Considering there was so much to see and do though, they were pretty good... 

All in all we had a really fun day!

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