Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Daddy Love

We miss daddy!

Unfortunately, daddy has to travel with work...the Monmouth University Men's Basketball Team (The Hawks!) so he left today for Wyoming and won't return until Tuesday. It's really hard for all of us because none of us wants to be away from each other for so long. Sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do though so this is another thing we will get through as a family.

Hopefully one day Colin and I will be able to travel with daddy (right now my job holds me back)...

...until then, we miss you so much. It's definitely not the same without you! Just remember though that you will get through this and so will we!
Here is daddy and Colin snuggling together before daddy left (thanks Growing Tree for the picture!)...

1 comment:

Lori said...

Oh, those are adorable pics of Colin snuggling with his Daddy. My hubby travels for work too - gone M- Th each week. It bites, but I thank God that my husband has a good job that is weathering this turbulent economy. Hang in there!