The feeding issue spiraled downward to a meltdown on all parties involved, however, I am starting to come to the conclusion that this recent bout of horribleness is related to the fact that there are molars popping through all over the place in Colin's mouth. He hasn't been wanting to eat anything (including Daddy's ice cream cake...shocking!), he's been spitting up a lot, and he really hasn't been himself (biting, hitting, spitting, etc.). Considering the fact that it's molars coming through, I can imagine how painful it must be. So, I have regrouped today and been more patient through all the spitting at dinner time and disciplined as needed, but "kept my cool". We did decide at dinner last night that it's time to try something new, so we are going to go and getting another feeding assessment done at a place recommended by our speech therapist. I've been reading a book that's been helpful, but I need to feel like we are trying something more. Even more importantly, I think it's time for us to try and control the stress we have been feeling and therefore exhibiting. I can't imagine THAT helps very much either. I am also very grateful to Kelly at My Little Son-Shine for a conversation that has made me feel so much better...
Last night, we had dinner out to celebrate Chris' 35th birthday party. Colin wasn't interested in dinner, but we still had a good time nonetheless.
Look at him go on all fours!
Self-portrait with my little cutie :)
How do you say no to a boy who crawls over to the TV on all fours and tries to push buttons when Mickey stops? I am laughing just writing this because he is a boy who knows what he wants!
And finally, a few videos for your viewing pleasure...
Colin's work with fine motor skills has been quickly improving. Here's a video from this morning of Colin working with his OT on his pincer grip.
Look at him go with his gross motor skills!! It's coming together, it really is :)
It was so nice chatting with you tonight, Kelli! It's so funny how much alike our little boys are:) I most certainly do not have all the answers but I was happy to share what we are learning from Landon's feeding specialist! It's a slow process, but we will all get through this. You know, we will be laughing about this one day when our boys are chowing down on a turkey leg......bone & all!! lol
Look at Colin go........and that is the perfect pincer grasp!!! Look how far our boys have come.........the pieces are finally coming together!!!
How much do I love your therapy videos I learn so much from them ! I will be trying the pincer grasp one with Owen thanks for sharing. Owen always goes off his food when he is teething, we have just been through a 5 week nursing strike with the last set of teeth that came through !
You know you have to fill me in here with Kelly's advice!
Can't wait to see you guys soon!
So sorry you're getting your molars, Colin - they are NO fun! Max's took a couple of months to come in - a no sleep nightmare. I despise teething!
And my computer isn't letting me watch videos today - so hopefully I can watch your cool new skills tomorrow :)
Awesome job on the crawling and pincer grasp! Sorry the feeding issue is still an issue. Molars stink, we can attest to that. Alayna has her 2nd 2 year molar coming in and she is usually a great eater of everything and she doesn't really want anything either. Praying that molar pops through soon buddy so you can keep working on those great skills.
Colin is so cute and getting so big!I love the pics of him looking through that hole in his toy!
I noticed that when Ruby is teething or getting sick she doesn't have much appetite and even at 2 1/2 I'm still giving her bottles of lactaid milk with gerber oatmeal in them to make sure she is getting enough.She is really starting to enjoy eating more which I noticed more of after she turned 2.Ruby loves pizza,macaroni and rice.Ruby was having trouble with not being able to swallow foods and just spitting them right back out, her speech therapist thought she might be having trouble chewing and forming the food into a bolus to swallow so she worked on chewng skills with Ruby and that worked wonders!
I have a friend whose daughter with Down syndrome had trouble eating as a baby but now at 11 years old she eats everything.She was a big encouragement to me.
I hope things go easier for you,it's so hard as a momma not to worry about our little ones.Hugs to you and Colin.Can't wait to see your new baby when it comes! Happy Birthday to your husband :)
Hey, email me. Not sure what feeding issues he has going on, nor do I know where you are going, but KKI has an excellent feeding program in Baltimore, and there is also a program through Loyola (Libby Kumin's stomping grounds) in Baltimore/Columbia, MD.
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