Although we still have major difficulties in the feeding department and the teeth issue has been a bit tough to take, there are so many other areas that are starting to change and it's so much fun to watch. Looking back in that 1st year, I was so impatient waiting for milestones to happen. Patience during development of a child with Down Syndrome is definitely something that needs to be learned (I am STILL learning that when it comes to feeding) but the rewards are so much sweeter when you can patiently wait for them to happen.
Colin's gross motor development has an "air of change" about it. He is willingly "creeping" (hands and knees) crawling all over the place, even on the hard wood floor which is more challenging. He is climbing like crazy on everything! He is pulling to stand so much more now. And the most exciting? He is starting to take steps (with help of course) where his body is upright and HE is bearing most of the weight (we are not having to support him as much). Although we are a ways away from walking, the change is so much fun to watch because he has worked SO HARD to get here.
We got a call from Colin's teacher today about a "boo boo" report because he was climbing/pulling to stand at the shelves and hit his forehead on the way down causing a small bruise. You know what's bad? I shrugged it off because I was so happy to hear he was climbing!
Then later today, Chris was putting laundry in the washer when Colin creeped over on hands and knees, pulled to stand at the laundry basket, and then climbed in!
And this second video is Colin's hard work paying off...step! step! step!
Those videos are the cutest!! Way to go Colin!! Love how he tries to say "yes!"-sooo cute!
Yay Colin! Loved the videos. (-: My favorite is when he is opening the DVD slot, and he turns around with a big "Oh" face. Made me laugh out loud. Your DVD player is certainly getting a workout. (-:
WOW!! You are becoming such a big boy!! You are the cutest!!! Love, Nana
Way to go Colin!!!! I thought Max would never take those first steps - but it's amazing how things progress once you're to that point!
Max loves the DVD tray too. Naughty (but too cute to do much about it) boys :)
Go little guy go!!! Soooo proud of him!
Yeah, well done Colin. I love when we can sit back and truly enjoy those milestones.
I can't get enough of his videos! Makes me smile :) Go Colin!
...and once again, Colin has just made my day! :)
Look at him go! I love the walking but the "fist bump" is so cute!
Oh, my goodness! That's fabulous! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the "yes!"
Wish my laundry was as cute as yours...Colin's listening skills (albeit selective) are VERY impressive along with his ability to know exactly - each time - which button he wants to push and why (even if it is Chris' - which will only be an issue if Colin breaks something - LOL)! It is quite apparent who is the KING of your castle!!
WAY TO GO COLIN !!! I love the walking video and the pound, its adorable.
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