Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Poor Baby!

It's been a rough few days with this baby! Between the croup and teething, Colin has off and on been completely uncomfortable! The cough seems a little bit better (just more "wet" than "dry") but he is still teething with absolutely nothing to show for it.
Those little hands are BOTH in as far as they can reach and being used as a comfort while he gnaws on them...loudly. Unfortunately, he doesn't want anything to do with teething rings, cookies, or the like.
Tonight, we put him to bed as usual, but then he started screaming this horrible cry. I partly think it was the teeth and partly because he had moved so much he was hitting his head on the music mirror hanging in his crib. So, I brought him downstairs and snuggled with him.
Believe me, he was SO eating it up. All I could think about was being a kid when something "hurt" or I didn't feel well, laying in the living room past my bedtime while my Dad rubbed my head. I thought I was so special and I'm sure the same was for Colin. Just when I thought he was asleep, he popped his little head up for Daddy.

I can't resist any attempt to make Colin feel better and to snuggle...


Suze said...

I hope Colin has something to show for it soon with the teething!!! My heart wrenches when they scream and you can't figure out what to do to comfort them - and then the all amazing snuggle - I can totally relate! He looks like he doesn't want to miss anything the way he popped his head up in that picture! Love it! I'll have to get your advice on the road trip -what worked, what didn't - what you'd do differently! We'll be driving to the Outer Banks in July and I am already thinking about how best to plan it out!

ch said...

Poor Stinker! Get better soon!
P.S. LC's (constantly) teething and she chews her thumbs all the time. The only other thing that provides any relief are those (disgusting) Go-gurt things. They must feel super good...and you can freeze 'em for added pleasure.

Thinking of you guys...off to snuggle my own l'il blondie...

Lori said...

It must be the season for teething...I have read several posts to that affect recently. Feel better, Colin! - but until then - make sure you soak up all the snuggle time you can! =)

Kelly said...

Sorry the little guy isn't feeling well! Landon just got over strep throat and a belly bug.....it was a long 6 days. I just hate when these little guys get sick:( But I DO, like you, love the extra snuggles:) I hope Colin is feeling better soon!!

Monica Crumley said...

Poor little sweetheart. I hope he feels better soon. Glad you got some cuddle time :-)

Cheryl said...

Poor little guy :(