Friday, October 4, 2019

Down Syndrome Awareness Month - Attitude (Day 5)

There are so many different things I want to talk about this month but I couldn't decide on what order I wanted to tackle them. My organized brain thought there should be some kind of theme but then my exhausted self said to just do the first thing that came to mind. There are so many awesome things that Colin is doing right now that I can't wait to talk about this month, but unfortunately, the first thing that comes to mind is the most developmentally appropriate issue we are dealing with right now...Colin's attitude. 

Throughout most of last school year, Colin was probably our "easiest" child (relatively speaking) because he was always the most compliant. He was given directions and he followed through. School was going great, socially he was doing great, etc. When summer came along, the feeling that came over me was "whoa, when did we get to the tween phase?". One of my friends makes me laugh all of the time because when I'm venting over certain things she always says to me "didn't you raise him to be like this? Didn't you raise him to be as much like his peers as he can be?". Soooo, here we are, in the tween phase. What defines this phase do you ask? Well, it's the attitude, the disgust for certain things Mom and Dad ask of him, the talking back, frustration when things don't go his way, wanting things when he wants them, rolling his eyes, etc. Chris and I often have a really hard time containing our giggles/laughter when some of these things happen because they ARE so typical but also, sometimes it's a little harder to go through typical phases with Colin because of how we have to approach our response to them. Homework has always been a relatively smooth time period of our day, but lately, Colin gets so frustrated if it's not exactly how he wants it to be. I happened to snap some quick videos of Colin during homework the other day. Please note, eye rolling and responses to things I'm saying. But also, how can you not laugh? 

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