Monday, April 17, 2017

Making Memories Over Spring Break

We're wrapping up a fun and *mostly* relaxing spring break tonight and I am sad to see it end. We tried to keep busy this week and find some fun things to do and I think we were successful in doing so.

Our first day was a beautiful one so the kids and I spent the morning outside doing some yard work. We ripped out a pricker bush and planted a new hydrangea that I was very excited about.

We also started potty training Cody which went shockingly well over the week (more on that in another post)!

I also had a cleanup in "aisle 3" as one shelf in my china cabinet fell when Kailey ran by shattering most of our wedding items.

Later that day, Colin had an eye doctor appointment and we took a walk up to the beach after he was done. It was much chillier on the beach than it was 5 miles inland!

We were all so excited to get our feet in the sand and start talking about our summer adventures ahead.

On Tuesday, we took a ride up to the Turtle Back Zoo and met my mom. It was beautiful out and so it was super crowded (it was probably our quickest walk through yet!).

Wednesday we met our friends Lauren and Landon for a swim date at the local YMCA for open family swim. We were all splashing around in the pool!

Thursday wasn't necessarily fun but we did make great progress at the dentist. Colin did great for the first time ever and Cody also had his first checkup and did pretty well!

On Friday, we bought a lawnmower and then headed to the boardwalk for the first rides session of the season!

By this past weekend, it was back to soccer, we went to our first BlueClaws game of the season (I shockingly left my phone in the car and didn't get any pictures!) and then it was Easter! We had a very fulfilling spring break and I'm sad to see it end!

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