Friday, April 1, 2016

Celebrating Palm Sunday and Easter

Every year on Palm Sunday, our church celebrates by having the children and choir walk in waving their palms while singing Hosanna. The kids have been doing it for quite a few years now and I enjoy the whole service very much. In addition, the kids have had a music director specifically for them that works with them each Sunday and the kids love it. So on Palm Sunday, the kids also sang an additional song. 

Although my kids have always known the words, this was the first time that they loudly sang instead of watching everyone else sing.

Later in the week in preparation for Easter, we dyed Easter eggs with the kids. I always used to have them try to color on them first to make designs before dying, but because a lot of the eggs would always end up getting squeezed and cracked, I just had them dye the eggs and then used a sticker set to turn them into monsters. They had a lot of fun but Cody was very difficult because he wanted to do it entirely by himself. Once I gave him the freedom he wanted, he was far happier and even a little silly.

One of THE best egg dying pictures ever...

The next morning, the Easter bunny came and the kids did an egg hunt before we went to church to celebrate the real meaning of Easter. Cody was hysterical during the egg hunt because the sneaky little boy kept going up to Kailey's basket when she wasn't looking and would take eggs out the back and then put it in his basket. Chris and I were dying because Kailey  had no idea.
When I tried to first organize the three of them sitting there, Cody was adamant he wasn't going to get in and then he finally sat down and joined the group.

Cody was busy brushing his teeth when they started going through their Easter baskets.

Since the tree was blooming out front, I had wanted to get some pictures of the kids dressed up and posing if possible. It was not until after Cody came running at us did we realize that right in front of where they were posing (and possibly having already stepped on) was some small animal that was not totally put together anymore (I believe I saw intestines coming out). Fancy clothes and dead animal don't exactly go together...

Had a great time with our little family celebrating Palm Sunday and Easter!

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