Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That!

We had our official "kick off to summer" weekend this past weekend and it makes me really excited for what the next few months will be bringing us.  We are going to be spending our days on the beach (when we aren't working/going to school), traveling to DC for the National Down Syndrome Conference (who is going!?! We are so excited to meet so many of you in blogland!), and just having fun with whatever the days bring us.  

Yesterday, we celebrated Memorial Day with our good friends Simon, Leslie, and Becker.  I can't even begin to tell you how much I love babies and posing for pictures together.  Sometimes it amazes me how they really are like little adults.  Becker has the most kissable cheeks ever.  We had a great time guys!

I love this picture!

See, mini adults!!  Darn camera phone was blurry!

Three cuties on a couch!

Kailey has been teething for days pretty badly and yesterday she was fighting a fever off an on.  However, when we got home last night, the fever was back up again and she sounded like a smoker.  Chris took her to the doctor today and I guess the extra fluids from teething caused an ear infection.  She sounds so raspy!  She was very sleepy and not herself today.

Tonight was our last night of swim lessons and of course Kailey couldn't make it.  I feel like a bad Mommy because on previous nights, we didn't have enough hands to take pictures since we were all getting in the pool together.  Poor Kailey has none and since she couldn't go today, Colin got quite a few.  One day I'm sure I'm going to hear about it from her.  Colin LOVES swimming and he is really starting to become more independent with a belt on!  I can't wait to see him in the pool more this summer!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's adorable, I have a big smile on my face. :-D <3