As I was posting the picture to go with this entry, I was thinking about the T-shirts I came across on this blog. You can read where the inspiration to these t-shirts came from by reading the entry on August 2nd by Hector and Jennifer Varanini Sanchez. I watched their video of their son who said "I did it" when he accomplished a task and I was looking at this picture hearing Colin say "look at me mommy! I did it!"
Monday, August 31, 2009
Developmental Therapy Update
As I was posting the picture to go with this entry, I was thinking about the T-shirts I came across on this blog. You can read where the inspiration to these t-shirts came from by reading the entry on August 2nd by Hector and Jennifer Varanini Sanchez. I watched their video of their son who said "I did it" when he accomplished a task and I was looking at this picture hearing Colin say "look at me mommy! I did it!"
I Have a Voice
I came across this through a blog I have been following and am very thankful for that. I think it's beautiful and just wanted to share it with those that have not seen it....
It Won't Be Like This for Long - Darius Rucker Video
This song and video reminds me to enjoy every single minute with Colin...we face our challenges now, but doesn't everyone? One day, these challenges will be a thing of the past and we will be on to new ones. I watch this and I think about how fast 4 months have already gone by and how much has changed in that amount of time! I am blessed to have Colin in my life and it will be forever changed because of him...
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Look Who's Talking
Physical Therapy Update
In this position, K worked on rolling and reaching for toys so we have some new maneuvers to practice. She also has Colin work on rolling from side-lying. Sometimes he will roll onto his tummy from side-lying on his own, but other times we assist him by applying gentle downward pressure on his hips causing him to "pop" his head. He starts from this position:
Some skills Colin needs to continue to work on:
- Tummy time as much as tolerated to continue to strengthen his neck muscles.
- Using a towel roll under his right shoulder to assist his right arm to reach towards objects when lying on his back. He can grab objects with his right hand, but for some reason, his left arm dominates causing his right upper arm to stay down towards the ground when on his back.
- Rolling from tummy to back and from side-lying positions.
K wants to increase Colin's visits from two times a month to every week, not because Colin is falling behind, but to make sure he is staying on pace. Chris and I are actually very happy about this because we want Colin to stay on track and it also helps us to know what to work on.
Fortunately, K let Grandad videotape the physical therapy session so that I could watch it later on. It was a big help because then I am able to know exactly what and how I should work on the exercises and it allows me to see what I was unable to be there for (sniff. sniff.).
Because of that, Chris, Colin and I had a great "play" session today together!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Developmental Therapy Update
...and on reaching and grabbing toys in supported positions. Colin still needs work with his right hand because he definitely pays more attention to his left!
After every therapy visit, the therapists write out a progress report for the parents and this is what D wrote today...
"Today I met with Colin and Mr. Tobin. Colin did a great job!! He tolerated tummy time, reached with both hands (with a little prompting) and had lots of smiles! Colin also enjoyed sitting in the Bumbo seat. Today we read a book and sang some songs. Continue to work on reaching, especially with his right hand!"
...tomorrow: Physical therapy update!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Our "Thing"

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
4 Month Check-up!
He weighed 12 pounds 7 ounces and was 25 inches long with a head circumference of 41 inches! He gained a pound and 6 ounces from the last visit, grew an inch, and his head grew 2 inches! He is following his growth curves perfectly!
Here is our little (big!) boy on the table at the doctor's office with his scale showing in his weight in the background:

Monday, August 24, 2009
Still Working Hard!
Not a Cry Baby
Friday, August 21, 2009
What's on the Menu?
Here is the big boy getting ready to eat...
So Long Sweet Summer...
It's amazing how much Colin adapted as he got older. In the beginning, Colin had a hard time at the beach because of the wind. It was constantly taking his breath away and just made for an uncomfortable little boy. However, as time went by, he was able to get out of the stroller more, play on the blanket and even dipped in the ocean a few times! We look forward to all that is yet to come next summer!
Thank you Nana and Grandad for all of your hospitality this summer! We love you!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Happy 4 Month Birthday Colin!
Happy Birthday! We love you very much!
If 4 months have gone by this fast...I hate to see what I'm going to feel like when Colin hits 1!
(I haven't been home in a few days so I haven't been able to put up pictures...more to follow!)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Something to Keep in Mind
'To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.' When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better. Concentrate on this sentence...
'The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.'
Sunday, August 16, 2009
We Will Survive!
It's Not Cap'n Crunch, but it's a Start!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Therapy Update
Colin and D sang songs today (he was much happier to perform these activities) and Colin was very happy to sing "The Wheels on the Bus", "Old McDonald", "Itsy Bitsy Spider", and "If you're Happy and you Know it". Colin would even make some noises after she would sing as though he was singing with her! She told us that it's really good that he is imitating now (blowing kisses and making raspberries with his mouth) because it's really good for communicating and language development. It's funny because we have been trying some other sounds for him to imitate and you can tell that he is trying, but hasn't quite figured out how to make a different sound.
I feel myself smiling from ear to ear when I watch Colin during therapy because he is always happy and tries hard to do what he is supposed to do. I'm devastated because I will be missing some sessions due to student teaching and work (*sigh*) but it's something I have to do in order to make things better for our family (hopefully switching to teaching). Colin's daddy will be there with him...I will be there in spirit to support him!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Getting Stronger!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Many, Many Blessings!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Beach Baby!
As you saw in a previous post, Colin really enjoyed the pool he was in (of course the water temp. was in the 80s). We decided to try Colin's toes out in the ocean since it was low tide and the water was warm that day (in the low 70s).
Because I was so excited to put Colin in the water, I didn't take into account the fact that it woudl still probably be shocking if a wave (small wave, mind you) came up and got Colin wet as opposed to me easing him into the water. Even though he cried at first, he relaxed afterwards and was able to enjoy the water a little bit as you can see in this picture:
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Physical Therapy Update
While I enjoy physical therapy to see all that Colin accompishes, it does make me a little uneasy because we are reminded of weaknesses. However, I know they are just things to work on which we will continue to do (of course).
Colin did extremely well with his "rolling" activities. The therapist (K) would lay him on his side in side-lying position and see which way he would roll towards. He performs this differently depending on the side he is on. If he rolls to his stomach, she showed us how to assist him to get onto his stomach and then he lifts his head up from that position. If he rolls onto his back, then we put him back onto his side and start the process again. What made this a highlight was that Colin would roll from his side to his stomach, lift his head, then push himself back to his side so he could roll onto his back. The therapist was very happy with how well Colin could perform this activity. She showed us how to start to put him into a position so he will eventually start to extend his arms on his tummy.
Colin showed her how well he can lift and hold his head on his tummy...and then also look around while doing all of this. He tolerates this activity much more.
He was very attentive to K today and showed her how happy he is most of the time. He was talking to her throughout the session and she loved it! She mentioned today that she wished she saw him on a weekly basis! (Who wouldn't want to see him on a weekly basis..he's a cutie!)
Things to continue to work on:
Even though Colin is doing much better with holding his head up when lifting him from his back by holding his hands, he did not show K how well he could do it today. She told us that she felt he was distracted by the overhead light (in trying to make me feel better). She also said that even though he didn't do so well with this activity, she felt that it was ok because he was being so attentive to everything around him.
We also need to continue to work on supporting Colin in a seated position so that he holds his head up while sitting (he loves doing this because he can look around at everyone).
At the end of the session, K made sure we all clapped and cheered for Colin for how well he performed.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
New Loves
I know we will all be fine...and knowing Colin, he's going to love socializing with all of his friends (especially if he's anything like his daddy!).
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Gord Bamford - Things Go Better With Love
I just came across this video and thought I would share it with all of's cute!
Genetic Counseling
We got to the hospital early with ease, registered, and were in the room by 11am. The geneticist came in and very thoroughly evaluated Colin. Her initial evaluation seemed to be focused on his physical features associated with down syndrome. However, she was listing different things she was checking and most of the features were ones that Colin did not have. For example, she said that children with Down Syndrome sometimes have a different sized space between their ring finger and pinky finger, one joint instead of 2 in their pinky which then contributes to a curved pinky. She used a small magnifying lens to look at his fingerprints, his toes, she took many different measurements including his length, head circumference, and chest width. She said that he did not have the flat palmar crease that he was initially thought to have and that the features that he did have were minimal and really just consisted of the almond shaped eyes.
Chris and I felt like such proud parents because throughout the whole evaluation, Colin was one happy little boy (but did you really expect anything less?). Colin was smiling at the doctor and "talking" to her and she commented more than once about how attentive he was at what she was doing. At the end of her evaluation, she lifted Colin up by his arms into a seated position and he picked his head right up like he is supposed to. She also picked him up and he tightened his body (a typical infant reaction) in the manner he was supposed to do.
After the evaluation, she left the room with the genetic counselor and then came back to sit down and talk about everything with us.
The first area the doctor discussed was the science behind the Down Syndrome. Colin's form of Trisomy 21 (another name for Down Syndrome which refers to the 3 chromosomes as opposed to 2) is called nondisjunction. The easiest way to explain it is that at the 21st chromosome (we have 46), he has 3 chromosomes (contain the genetic material) instead of 2. His form is somewhat of a random occurance in the sense that there is not any marker in Chris or I that contribute to Colin having Down Syndrome. If he had had Translocation Trisomy 21 (where the 3rd chromosome attaches to another one, like the 14th, instead of at the 21st), Chris and I would have been tested because we would then be carriers.
Then, she talked about Colin and how impressed she was (he was definitely a show-off!). She asked if we had been told that Colin has low muscle tone (associated with children with Down Syndrome) and we told her we had been told that. She felt that if he had had that before, he certainly doesn't have it now because she felt his strength was great! She also told us that she does not forsee him having much (if any) delays in his motor development (crawling, sitting, walking, etc.) because of how on track he is now and how he doesn't have to learn the things he is already doing. She discussed the possibilities of his future with his cognitive development, but it's a lot of unknown so there really wasn't anything to say besides the things that "could" happen. We are very optimistic though!
Finally, she talked about statistics and probability. We joke that we should play the lottery. For a woman at the age of 28, my chances of having a child with Down Syndrome were 1/1139. I think technically the bottom number would have been higher since I was actually 27...but we will leave it where it is. Even though it is a "random occurance", our chances of having another child with Down Syndrome become greater at 1/100.
The thing is, Chris and I want more children to complete our family and a 1/100 chance isn't going to stop us. However, there is a lot to think about...speaking for myself, I don't fear Down Syndrome anymore. We have a happy, healthy, beautiful baby boy and our life is blessed because of him. However, there are other factors involved which we will certainly discuss. Right now, we are going to enjoy Colin and take it one step at a time. As the saying goes "we will cross that bridge when we get there". We love Colin so much and our lives would not be the same without him.