Saturday, October 13, 2012

31 for 21: Proud (13)

It's not always easy on this journey to be in situations where it's clear the areas that your child is developmentally behind.  Compared to other kids his age, Colin  has always struggled with his gross motor skills and it took much longer to sit, crawl, and walk.  However, as time went by, it wasn't quite as hard as it was in the beginning to wait for these skills to be accomplished.  

These days we work really hard with Colin, but also, take the accomplishment of skills as they come.  We know that there are certain things that Colin may take a little bit longer with (although, not everything) and it's really ok because we now know that he will do them when he is ready.  We still can't get over this week that just over a year ago now, Colin stood up on his own for the first time and today he was jumping while clearing the ground!

I am aware that I am always in a hurry and in a rush because I feel like there is only so much time to do things...get things accomplished at work, make meals, clean, pick the kids up, fitting in running, completing tasks around the house, etc. However, I am thankful to have been given a reason to slow down and truly appreciate the "big" things in life.  There is never an accomplishment too small to celebrate around here because everything is reason for hoorays!

Chris and I are so proud of Colin for all of the things he has accomplished in his short 3 years of life.  He is one special little guy and we know that he has big things ahead for him.  Although we may have first felt differently when he was born in terms of what the future would hold, we have such high expectations for him in his life ahead.  We know that Colin can accomplish many things...


Becca said...

Samantha has definitely taught me patience in so many (but not all!) things. It's amazing how quickly our kids can make up for their delays in hitting milestones sometimes. So cool about Colin jumping!

Deanna said...

It's kind of ironic that the area that Colin makes you wait the most in is an area that you're super strong in since you're a family of athletes! (-; Can't wait to hear of Colin's many athletic accomplishments over the years as well. The jumping is super impressive!