Unfortunately, this little boy has his two upper eye teeth coming in, so although he may look happy and handsome at times, he is also struggling and in a lot of pain. He is so mopey and whiney and cries pretty easily and you can almost always see his hands in his mouth. He was pretty good most of the day at his party, but started cuddling with different people when he was uncomfortable and very tired. Despite practicing (and being successful many times), he wasn't into blowing out his candle (but maybe he will do that for us when there is not a crowd watching on his ACTUAL birthday). It was cute to watch him playing with his friends though and that he was able to do and be a trooper for!
On Sunday, we went up to my parent's house to celebrate Colin's birthday and my grandma's 85th birthday with my relatives. We had a great time, but by the end of the weekend with not a lot of napping and LOTS of tooth pain, Colin was done. This first video is of Colin in the car on the way home. He moaned for a good 30 minutes until he finally fell asleep. I just love how he realizes I'm videotaping and he gives me a cute little smile.
Today, I think Colin was at his worst with the teeth. You could often find THIS expression on his face...
More to come later this week with more pictures (thanks as always to Jorie!) from the party and when we celebrate on Colin's actual birthday!
Happy, happy birthday, Colin!!! Love, love, love the hairdo, too!
Oh, so sorry he's in so much discomfort with his teeth!!! And I will tell you, grinding SUCKS!!! Sammi grinds her teeth *all* the time. Can't figure out what the trigger is, but we're afraid it's becoming habit. Yikes.
What a handsome guy! He looks quite dapper for his birthday party! Enough to sweep any little girl off her feet. (-: Seriously he just looks so grown up!
Poor Colin - he was such a trooper at his party! Too cute giving you that grin when he realized you were taping him...kids are too smart these days knowing when they are on camera!
Oh, Colin! You're breakin' my HEART with that sad face. We've got all sorts of misery happening around here...and lots of Mickey Mouse to boot...surely you would feel better surrounded by squibs who are feeling your pain...
So glad to hear you had a happy party and my GOODNESS, son. You. Are. A. STUNNER. Handsome DEVIL.
So glad he had a wonderful birthday party! Bummer about the teething pain, he does look miserable, poor kiddo.
oh my gosh, he is so cute and so smart, and the teething troubles makes me wanna cry with him! Happy birthday Colin!!
Happy 2nd Birthday sweet boy!!! Where or where is the time going, seems like just yesterday he turned 1.
Hope those darn eye teeth pop out soon and give you all a little relief!
What a cutie! This year has flown by! Emily is getting her eye teeth right now too and it's crazy but she got her molars with no pain at all it seemed but these little boogers are making her super cranky! Here's to hoping these two finish teething soon!
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