Colin had his first day of school today!! Here is Colin with his bookbag out front of our house ready to go!
- Who WANTS to leave their baby? I wish we were in the position for me to be able to stay home, but we're just not, so it's something we just accept and find the best way to deal with.
- The first time doing something is NEVER easy. It's a fear of the unknown (did we pick the right place, will Colin thrive, will he be happy, will he still continue progress as well as he has been?)
- We ALL survived! Chris and I shed a few tears, but when we stood outside of his classroom and looked in, Colin was as happy as could be on his tummy with some of the other babies. I ended up handling it better than I thought because Colin was ok.
- When I picked Colin up, he was STILL as happy as could be AND he was getting some one on one attention because he was the last one there in his classroom.
- When I got home with Colin, he was STILL as happy as could that tells me he had a really good day and he was happy to be with his Mommy.
- He did some of his exercises throughout the day and got several women to fall in love with him (did we really expect anything less?).
I know we will continue to be ok and I think Colin will get these positive things out of school:
He will make friends and socialize!
- He will adapt to new people (his teachers).
- Modeling is always a good form of education and his class ranges in children aged 6 weeks to 12 months.
- The teachers always have a full day of activities including language (signed bottle today), sensory stimulation (played with cold ice cubes), art, self-help/life skills (practiced holding spoon), motor skills (play time on mat), music and movement (danced to kids bop 80s), and cognitive development.
Here's to another great day!
hi there! just visiting from bridget's light.
what a handsome little dude you have!
i love the glasses.
keep us posted!
Best picture ever! Love Jorie
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