Doesn't he look like such an angel here??

Well, this angel managed to swipe away his Little People nativity scene (do you see poor Joseph poking out from underneath the couch? Unfortunately, that's where baby Jesus and the rest of the gang are hiding.) and knock some of my Christmas ornaments off of the next shelf...

...knock over and push around his Little Tikes chair...

...knock over these 2 folding chairs that were hidden behind the door to the laundry room (oh, he found them because he wanted to shut the door) from yesterdays Holiday Open House that we had (don't worry, there were no children harmed in the knocking over of the chairs...fortunately)...

...knock over this tray table still set up from yesterday (although this did hit him, he didn't even react)...

...knock over his piano bench, after propping himself up on it (kneeling on the ground leaning his elbows on it so he could
play the piano)...

...and completely empty his bin of balls, flip over his step stool, and climb up on the fireplace to read his books...

When it comes to some of these items, yes...we have learned our lesson as to what we can and can't leave out. However, deep down inside, I'm not upset about this destructiveness (especially because he was not harmed while participitating in the destructiveness) because guess what? Our little boy is more "typical" than not...
He is just like every other little toddler boy who likes to explore, try things out, and be mischievious...and it reminds me again that he is more alike, than different!
So true, so true!
He is definitely all boy!!
That's kinda how I feel when I survey the damage Parker is famous for. :)
Tammy and Parker
He and Tommy must conspire together, as Tommy does all the same things! Colin and Tommy are so much alike - they are mischievous toddlers who are curious about the world around them!
Same things going on over here. That's why we call Max 'tornado hands' :)
Ha ha, this cracked me up! Great pictures of Colins little path of destruction!
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