Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Feel Better Mo!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Special Visit
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Colin is Bearing Weight!!
Yep, Colin definitely told me this weekend to chill out from worrying.
He did so by showing us that he can bear weight on his legs!! I'm not sure what happened on Saturday at Logan's birthday party, but Colin decided all of a sudden that he would put weight on his legs and stand and dance!! We love it!! He particularly loves standing and dancing to the turtle that sings the number song! We are so proud of Colin!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Happy Saturday!
Later, Colin and I needed some things from my favorite toy store, Jackrabbit Toys. I am so in love with this store! It's a little bit on the expensive side, BUT so worth it because they have the most unique toys! Guess who was there? The EASTER BUNNY!!
Colin didn't really react either way. He was so interested, but if we had a few more minutes I think he would have started reaching and touching the bunney.
Later, we went to Colin's friend Logan's birthday party! Logan just turned 1 and he is only a few weeks older than Colin. We are so excited that we have been getting to know Logan and his family as they are also on a similar journey!
Mommy and Colin got a self-portrait together (hehe) while we waited to watch Logan blow out his candle!!
Colin tried some of the yummy cake and loved it! I was also pleasantly suprised to see that he enjoyed wearing the birthday hat!
We had a great time! Happy Birthday Logan!!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thank You...
I will admit that I have had an emotional week for many reasons, between a buyer falling through on our house, work stress (Gov. Christie is really messing with NJs public education ), and as I talked about yesterday, my frustrations with Colin's gross motor development. I have cried at least once every day [if not more...lol].
However, it's over. You have all helped remind me that this journey has its challenges, but you just have to keep working through...(as does life in general!)
...and thanks to one special little boy, I am also reminded that there are some really good days, and some days where you just don't feel like doing what you are supposed to.
Miss Kathy came for PT this morning, asked how the week went, and I started getting emotional! We are so thankful for Miss Kathy and Miss Darlene for being there for Colin AND for us!
Miss Kathy pointed out (as did some of you), that Colin has been doing really well lately in oral motor development/speech and fine motor development so his gross motor development may just have taken a back seat. She reminded us that Colin is an observor, he loves watching what's going on around him and is content just hanging out where he is. Some kids are motivated physically, while some are also motivated socially (which is definitely Colin). She also said that he is doing really well physically, but we are at a point where these new skills are going to be more difficult to accomplish.
I also think that deep down I have focused in on Colin's 1st birthday and had set certain expectations for that date. It's silly, I know. I think it's ok to set the bar high, but to be patient because reaching that bar might just take a little while.
[Disclaimer: here come some more tears, happy tears though!]
...because look what Colin did for Chris and me...
...and then was able to bear weight on his legs!
After PT, we went to Colin's school and had a meeting with one of the owners, and the two directors. We wanted to voice our praise for how happy we have been with Colin being there, but also, to voice our concerns for the future. It was such a great meeting and we felt so rejuvenated afterwards. It was great just to get out how we were feeling and to be on the same page with them.
So you know what we did tonight? We went out to dinner to Olive Garden to celebrate our family. For our good days and our bad days and all of our in between days.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Blood, Sweat, and Tears
(This picture is mid-sweep)
Here is Colin's pic #1: Scrambled egg on its ownHe is NOT having it!
So, I then tried the scrambled egg mixed into the "smooth" breakfast, pic #2: Not necessarily a bad face, just an "unsure" face.
However, then Colin decided that the eggs mixed into the "smooth" food wasn't that bad.
Happy Birthday Aunt Beth!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Poor Baby!

I can't resist any attempt to make Colin feel better and to snuggle...
Monday, March 22, 2010
What a Weekend!!
Nana and Grandad came to our hotel for a little bit and then it was lights out for all of us. Colin had some trouble falling asleep, but you would have never known at 5:30am when he was wide awake...and happy! (We had to get up that early anyway)
Mommy and Colin got a self-portrait together (even though Colin looks like he is so thrilled!)
"Picking" beautiful flowers...
...and relaxing on the beach.Uncle Timmy finished 26.2 miles in 4 hours and 9 minutes (without walking!) and Grandad ran 22 miles before he started not feeling well (dehydration) and was unable to finish. We are so proud of both of them!! Grandad was very disappointed, but we all know that things don't always go as we plan. There is always next time! We love you both!
Sunday was also 3-21 or World Down Syndrome Day! This day was started to celebrate those who have an extra chromosome! We love Colin for all that he has brought to our lives!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Oh "Croup"!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
...through rose colored glasses...
Colin is just Colin...he is our son that we love so much. We don't look at him and see the Down Syndrome, we see our little boy.
Which makes me think...we have come so far since Colin was born. I can remember days prior to his diagnosis was confirmed of looking to see what features might define the DS (even though I just knew), and afterwards, of worrying when we were out in public if people looked at him and saw it, of figuring out how to tell people (especially when complete strangers commented on how cute he was), or worrying about what the future would hold for him.
Believe me, we still have our moments...in fact, I just had one of them today, but they are not as bad as they used to be.
When I dropped Colin off at school today I just looked around at the kids that are around Colin's age, turning 1 or almost there as well and how mobile they are. They look months older than him and are all over the place. When you spend weeks and months working on skills in pieces (propping, hands and knees, supported sitting, etc.) so that eventually he will have the strength to put them all together, you realize how many people take for granted the ease in which some kids have in sitting, crawling, standing and walking.
And while I still have my moments, I know that Colin will do these things. I don't compare like I used to to see what he is or isn't doing, I don't worry the same way that I used to and instead, I have learned to have so much more patience than I once had.
But it is a journey that we are on, and with anything, there are always ups and downs and everything in between...
While catching up on some blog reading today, I came across this posted on Love. Hope. New Beginnings: The Miracle Factory and T-cubed: Three boys, Twins, and Trisomy 21. It was just what I needed to read...thank you! I am thankful for our little miracle...
Once upon a time, three angels were busily working in the miracle factory. They were responsible for wrapping up all the little miracles and sending them on their way. Normally they wrapped each one in bright, sturdy paper with big, shiny ribbons. They stamped it with a delivery date and away it would go to the parents who eagerly awaited its arrival. Things usually ran pretty smoothly. One day, however, down the conveyer belt came a little miracle that made the angels pause.
"Oh my," said the first angel "this one's uhm...well.. .different. "
"Yes, he is unique" said the second angel.
"Well I think he is quite special," said the first angel "but I don't think he will quite fit our standard wrapping procedures."
And the second angel added, "And we know he's special, but will everyone else?"
"Not a problem," said the third angel "obviously a special miracle deserves extra special wrapping; and of course we'll send him off with our most heartfelt blessings. Then everyone will see how special he is."
"What a wonderful idea!" replied the others.
So they searched the shelves high and low for their finest paper, and their most delicate ribbons. When they were done, they stood back and admired their work. "Beautiful!" thay all agreed.
"Now for our blessings," said the third angel "for it is time for him to go." "I will bless him with innocence and happiness," said the first angel.
"And I will bless him with strength to face the many challenges that lie ahead" said the second angel.
"And I will bless him with an inner beauty that will shine on all who look upon him" said the third angel.
Before sending him off the third angel, who was very wise, gently tucked a note inside.And it said:
Dear Parents, Today you have received a very special gift. It may not be what you were expecting, and you may be disappointed, angry and hurt. But please know that he comes with many blessings, and, while there may be pain, he will bring you much joy. He will take you in a very difficult journey, but you will meet many wonderful people. He will teach you patience and understanding and make you reach deep inside yourselves to find a source of strength and faith you never knew you had. He will enrich your lives, and will touch the hearts of all who meet him. He may be fragile, but he has great inner strength. So please handle him with care, give him lots of attention, shower him with hugs and kisses, love him with all your heart, and he will blossom before your eyes. His spirit will shine like the brightest star for all to see, and you will know that you are truly blessed.
Author Unknown
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Happy St. Patrick's Day Part II
Colin got a special card in the mail from his Aunt Natalia! It was a St. Pat's card just for him!
He was so excited to read it!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Proceed with Caution
You can imagine our frustration when every. single. food. that Colin tried and didn't like, he would do the raspberries to spit them out. We went through a period where every single meal was spent cleaning up Colin, the high chair, ourselves, and the surrounding area with food that Colin didn't like.
We tried everything...mixing foods with applesauce, trying adult food mixed up in the food processor, letting him play with food...anything to get our little boy to eat. He slowly started to get past the flavors and then we tried transitioning into foods that had some "chunk" to it. That started the raspberries up again...yikes! We were/have been frustrated!
We are tiptoeing very quietly around this issue, but Colin is starting to eat foods with chunk! The raspberries have been pretty dormant lately [gasp! I said it!] and we are very happy about this. I have noticed that if Colin eats a smooth food with the same kind of chunk, he usually eats it without complaint. Tonight, I tried a food that had different types of veggie chunks in it and he wasn't very happy with it. I have been chopping up different fruits and mixing them in with his fruit "snack" at school and he is doing so much better! It's a slow process, but we are getting there!
One thing that Colin was also not interested in for a long time was using a straw. We kept trying, and had even given it a break for awhile, but Colin just wasn't interested. We have noticed that Colin has been very interested in our glasses when we are drinking milk with dinner. We have occassionally been letting him try it and he loves it. One day I broke out the honey bear cup again and with only squeezing the belly once for him, he started sucking up the straw! He still hasn't coordinated sucking up the milk and then swallowing it, but one step at a time! We are so proud of Colin!
Parents Photo Faves
Special Olympics Guest Blog Entry
If you are interested in viewing my guest blog entry for CAT Crew, please click here!
Special thanks to the Special Olympics for allowing us to participate!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Thank You!!
Friday, March 12, 2010
THIS is what YOU are missing Meanies!!
THIS is what you are missing in life! Having a child that loves life, is happy and LOVES his finger paints!!
Thanks Katie @ the Growing Tree for sending this GREAT picture!! You guys are awesome!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Mean, Horrible, Sad, Etc.
I received this email today from the National Down Syndrome Congress...I can not find the words to say exactly what I am feeling right now, but I'm sure the email will explain it well enough...
Dear Friend,
It is my unfortunate responsibility to advise you that the NDSC More Alike poster gallery has been raided by people who have been modifying the posters in an unsavory manner and reposting them on an internet blog. We believe that the person who started this unwarranted attack may have been someone directed to the site to vote for a friend's poster. If possible, we will identify that person and hold them accountable for their actions. The NDSC has requested that the site operator take the offensive material off line, but we cannot say at this time whether they will comply. We are investigating legal options and will continue to monitor the situation.
Unfortunately, there is no technical way to prevent this sort of image theft other than to not post it in the first place. That, of course, is exactly opposite of what we try to accomplish with our information and advocacy site. Nonetheless, we have taken down the poster gallery until this situation can be resolved. Once that occurs we will notify you. If you would like to have your poster removed from the gallery, please let us know and we will take care of it as quickly as possible.
Please accept our deepest regrets over this situation. Sadly, there are still mean people in the world. Sincerely,
David TollesonExecutive Director
National Down Syndrome Congress
Autographed Football Winner!