Tuesday, February 16, 2010

We're More Alike Than Different The Documentary

I am on the mailing list for the National Down Syndrome Congress and received this email today. The campaign is working hard to spread awareness and asks that we spread the word, as I am choosing to do today by posting this to the blog.

From the National Down Syndrome Congress:

Busting Myths about People with Down Syndrome Begins with Us: Let's Get Started

As a community, one of the biggest - and most frustrating - challenges we face is dispelling or combating myths about people with Down syndrome. Once upon a time, we had to change attitudes one person at a time, but, thanks to the Internet, there's a better way.

In fact, with the emergence and popularity of social networking, we have the power to reach hundreds, even thousands of people with just one well-crafted message. It's called viral networking and it has changed everything.

The National Down Syndrome Congress is poised to enter the world of viral networking to take advantage of its power to reach a huge audience at virtually no cost. We have a serious story to tell and people need to hear it.

Our goal is to get people's attention, and then encourage them to forward our message to others. We have the tools to make this happen, but we need you to make it work. Done right, the results can be dramatic. We can bust a myth a month.

In every edition of the Communicator, we'll provide a link to an article or video covering a different topic related to people with Down syndrome. The subject matter will vary and most will be targeted to a specific audience, such as educators, physicians, human resource professionals, school board members, local and state governmental leaders, etc. You can then forward these emails to friends and family members and others you think might benefit from viewing them. Just remember that you don't need to email everybody, every month, so be selective when choosing your recipients and respect their inbox.

Working together, we can make some myths fall in 2010. And, we're ready to get started.

Myths that have to compete against NDSC's highly acclaimed We're More Alike Than Different national awareness campaign don't stand a chance. That's because it tells the truth about people with Down syndrome and that changes minds.

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