Thursday, September 15, 2011

Back to School Night

We had back to school night for Colin and Kailey tonight and I always enjoy going and listening to what the teachers say about what our kids' day is like. I have also enjoyed spending time with the parents as a lot of them have been the same since Colin was a newborn and the same ones who are having little babies in with Kailey now. While I do enjoy the night, I will admit that it's also tough for Chris and I.

Don't get me wrong, we have come a long way since the beginning when we really struggled with listening to the other parents talk about what their kids are doing. However, it's still tough to sit around the table and listen to how the kids come home and tell them about their day, about how they talk about the other kids in their class, who was crying, etc. Despite the fact that our kids are so similar when it comes to certain things, we do feel the gap between where their kids are developmentally and where Colin is.

It's such a weird feeling and I can't describe to you exactly what I am trying to say. When we are home with Colin, we exist in our bubble where he has come such a long way in terms of his communication and gross motor development. We are constantly celebrating the little milestones and rejoice in all of the great things that he IS doing. We don't notice the differences because there aren't other kids his age here. However, I was sitting at home spoon feeding him pasta tonight while other kids were feeding themselves whole DINNERS. Kids run circles around him, and we ask that the teachers make him walk laps on the playground with help. I sit there and swallow a lump as I listen to the other parents talk about the things their kids are doing and saying.

Believe me, I know that Colin will be doing all of these things, it just feels so strange to know that your child is even younger than some of the other kids and feels so far away from the things they are doing. It's just hard...

But, we are extremely happy that Colin and Kailey are where they are because we truly feel that it is best for them. When I hear about how structured Colin's day is, and the routines that they have each day, I feel confident that Colin is gaining skills necessary to help him transition to preschool in April (April!).


Nana said...

Just want you to know, we hear what you're saying!

Sweet Pea's Mommy said...

You aren't alone in feeling that way. It's sometimes nice to be in our bubble, but it's reality outside. Our kids are doing amazing things and doing each thing at their own pace, but doing them! And the love and joy that they bring to everyone they meet has to count for one heck of a lot if you ask me. Give Colin a big hug for Sweet Pea and me!

Suze said...

I had to share this with you. On Tommy's sheet today, it said, "Tommy enjoyed walking with his friend Colin from outside back to the classroom today." I had this image in my head of the 2 of them goofing around going back to the class together. I see Colin as being just like the other kids, but reading this post, can completely see it from your perspective and how hard it must be sometimes to hear what the other kids are doing. I would feel the same way, no doubt. I know it's sometimes difficult for my brother and SIL to see Tommy doing things that we don't know that my 5 year old nephew will ever do. I give them and you and Chris so much credit - continue to celebrate those "small" victories and milestones. A win is a win!

Anonymous said...

Love that bubble too ! -Viv