Monday, August 30, 2010
Chris got this fun video...
[Please don't mind my scary voice in this video...I was having fun!]
Friday, August 27, 2010

to be his mommy
yesterday at the grocery store...

Simply because, he is who he is.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Let Me Do it!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
End of Summer

Last summer was a little tough with Colin and the beach because he was so young that there were many things that bothered him, including the wind. However, this year, I can honestly say that he has become a little beach baby! He enjoyed the sand and the sun and his toys and by the last day, he even enjoyed the ocean! (It was always a little bit intimidating to him...he never cried, but seemed nervous. However, on our last day at the beach, he actually enjoyed the waves washing up on his feet and laughed and yelled and had a fun time!)

It's always tough on the last day saying goodbye after a great summer together...But as the sun sets on another beautiful summer, we know that there are many great things ahead...and there's always next summer!

Sunday, August 22, 2010
Oral Motor Skill?
Saturday, August 21, 2010
So Proud!

Being on his hands and knees, which he doesn't usually tolerate...
and standing!
...but...guess what Colin started doing today!?!?!
ARMY CRAWLING!!!!!!!!!!!! As I'm sure most of you can understand, this makes us feel so proud and emotional and extremely happy. Yep, with time, our little boy started to show us what he could do when he was ready.
OH we love you so!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Inspirational Article
Click here to read the article...
Hosting at our New Home
We started with some apps and relaxing out back on our patio. Colin kept busy in his chair with his activity table.
Uncle Brian and Aunt Maureen...

Aunt Beth and Uncle Jason...

Aunt Maureen and Colin practicing the "O" sound...

Snuggling with Uncle Brian...

We had a yummy dinner and dessert and then Colin was showing off his moves by standing on his legs and dancing to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Fun Times
One of those skills is playing with the food on his tray. He likes to use his index finger on his left hand and push the food all over the tray. He will pick it up with a whole hand, and then throw it over the side so that he can see it fall to the ground. I am not discouraging this (yet) because since he isn't putting the food to his mouth, I don't want to tell him no, and then backtrack from where we are right now. The other skill involves using utensils. Colin's new speech therapist told us that Colin should always be holding his own utensil so that he gets used to the feeling of holding something and eating. He enjoys "feeding" us, and has been making attempts to put the utensil into the food and pulling it out. It's funny because he doesn't have control over the pulling out motion yet so it often results in food being unintentially flung somewhere. He has even made a few attempts to put the utensil in his mouth after food was placed on it.
We are very proud of him because we see him grasp new skills daily, no matter how small they are.
One of those skills involves the use of this pop-up toy that Colin received for Christmas last year. He has always liked watching the animals pop up, but until recently, wasn't sure how to navigate the buttons and switches to make them pop on his own. He finally got the hang of the push button, and is working on the other animals. Even more so, he loves to shut the animals and wave "bye-bye!".
Here is a video of Colin playing with this toy (sorry about the quality, it's from my cell phone)...I love how at the end, he waves bye-bye after he shuts the animal.
Colin's personality is also emerging on a daily basis and I can just see that he is going to follow in his daddy's footsteps and enjoy to see people laugh at the things he does. Here, he is playing between my legs and popping up on his extended arms (another new skill we enjoy seeing) to see me.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Visit to the ENT

Sitting like a big boy in the chair.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Days 3 and 4 of Vacation!

We walked very briskly to get back and find our hotel. However, there was only ONE place for us to eat at near our we headed there for a quick bite to eat. Colin thought it was ok if he stayed up a bit later, but you can tell that both Mommy and Colin were tired.
The next day we woke up early so that we could do a big treat for Daddy...visit Fenway Park, home of his beloved Red Sox!
Colin wore his "little Monstah" shirt for the occassion.
We had a lot of fun and you could tell that Daddy was so happy to be there!
To wrap up our trip, we finally made it to Quincy Market where we had a yummy lunch! Colin ate his fruit smoothie like a champ!
Of course we had a great time on the trip getting to go to places we have never been to before, but more importantly, we had a great time just being together...
Friday, August 13, 2010
Day II of Vacation!

and even on the green too...I love this picture because I truly think it was how Colin felt by the end...why did you take me here at my bed time! I swear Colin, we had good intentions since your so good at sleeping on the go!