I am very proud of Chris and I for an accomplishment we made yesterday. It may seem small, but to us, it was a big step...
...First the backstory...
I can't even remember how I first stumbled upon other blogs of families who had children with Down Syndrome. I was excited when I got my 1st "followers" (Thanks Jen and Ria !) and through those blogs, I found so many great blogs to read! It made me feel connected to others who also have children with Down Syndrome and I've been getting so many great ideas, information, accomplishments, etc. I get excited and feel proud when achievements are posted and understanding through difficult moments. I look forward to reading them on a daily basis.
While all of those have been so great for me, I've been yearning to actually talk to someone face to face. I remember when we were in DC in July and I was in the lobby with Colin. I got in the elevator with a family who had a toddler who also had Down Syndrome and I circled the lobby trying to get up the nerve just to go up to them and say anything. I chickened out because I didn't know how to formulate my words and wasn't sure how they would feel about it. I was disappointed in myself...
Fast forward to last week...
I was at Chris' football game and noticed a young man on the sideline of the Hawks football team who had Down Syndrome. I asked Chris who he was and he said that he has been helping out for awhile now and has really become part of the team. I thought it was great and felt proud...
Now to our accomplishment last night...
Last night, Chris had his annual "Tip-Off Dinner" to start the basketball season. As we walked into the doorway, we were following this young man and his mom. I immediately got butterflies in my stomach because I knew I had to say something. I spoke with a friend of mine who is also an Athletic Trainer and she said she had spoken with the mom and that she is extremely nice. Her son Sean is also going to be helping out with the basketball team this year and was very excited to be a part of it all, which was why he was there last night.
I circled the area for 20 minutes trying to figure out what I was going to say. Finally, I walked up, introduced myself, and started to say that I had seen her son at the football game. I started tripping over my words and finally just blurted out that I have a 6 month old little boy who also has Down Syndrome. She immediately got the biggest smile on her face and said "congratulations". My nerves instantly resolved and I told her that I had never done that before...and to excuse my nerves. We instantly started talking very easily and I could have cried for having that opportunity to speak with her. Chris and I met Sean and it was such a great moment for us.
After speaking for a little while, she gave me her phone number and offered an ear any time I wanted to talk. Chris and I were a little emotional afterwards, but I felt it was because this is the 1st step for us before many in our journey...
Oh Kelli! This post made me cry. Tears of joy. I totally understand the nerves and butterflies when wanting to approach another family. I'm so proud of you for reaching out!!! We mother's of young babies need to always remember this so that when we are walking around with our teenaged kids we are open to those new young families and can return the favor some day. We are so fortunate to be raising our children in this day and age and for the blogging community which is just AMAZING when it comes to support and love! Congrats on your HUGE accomplishment!
Support is wonderfully needed (blogging or in person!)
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