While Chris was feeding Kailey, I was trying to have Colin practice alternating between the couch and ottoman...
...and instead of working, he decided to sit.
....he pulled out something new and was "relaxing" in his high chair. I can just hear what he is saying in his head: "nope mom, not gonna do what I don't wanna do."

After dinner and bath time, it was more practicing what you will see very shortly. Kailey was working hard though!! She was just hanging out in her bumbo holding her head up so well. What a strong girl she is!

So do you want to know what Colin always does when I start to get frustrated? He gives me a little taste to show me that is indeed working hard...
Can you believe it?!?!
Colin's PT happened to call me tonight while I was in the middle of this post, and she told me that she was worried that we were frustrated with her! I felt terrible! We love, love, love her and know that she is working as hard as she can too! I just expressed to her that although I am in a much better place than I used to be, it's still hard and I just anticipate the day that he will be able to walk. I know it will be wonderful and exciting...but it's not always easy waiting for that time to come!
Go Colin! He's getting there. Every kid has his strengths, right? I'm frustrated that Max doesn't sign, or make any sounds other than "d". But he is walking and eats like champ.
Wow!! I am so proud of you little boy!!! Love you!! Love, Nana P.S. Kailey you are doing your job too!! ln
Congrats!!!!! Way to go Colin!!!!
I feel your frustration, but know that the day will be here soon and it might come out of nowhere...Emily wasn't even close to walking just a month ago and now is taking steps by herself.
I love the pictures of him just chillin in the high chair, lol, he's so cute!! I know the waiting must be hard...But by the looks of the video, it cant be long now, he is doing so great!!
I hear ya! it seems like it has taken Maddie forever and then maybe another day to walk! and can i say I get frustrated with the she will do it when she is ready! that is only a good comment when your kiddo is already walking, talking or jumping!! summer is almost here!! smiles to you Kim
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