He is such a lover, and if you ask for a hug, he will rest his head on your shoulder and say "ahh" (one of my favorites!) and still continues to give out LOTS of kisses...

Instead of pushing him all of the time to accomplish specific tasks, we have been allowing him to explore a lot more. I think it's all around better for Chris and I as well as for him. He loves the sand, and will move himself all over the towel in order to get his hands in the sand. He has no problem eating the sand as well.
He keeps moving and moving until he just. can't. keep. his. eyes. open. anymore.
Yep, this is him passed out half way in the sand...face down.
He still loves loves loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and gets so excited when the song starts with the show. It's really cute because when he sees Mickey Mouse on the screen he starts looking around at us and then starts clapping his hands.
Finally, we got to see Colleen and Jon this weekend! It's always great to spend time with them!
They treated us to a nice dinner and Colin even ate chicken parm! I cut up the spaghetti and chicken and he ate it like a champ...slowly but surely!