One of the things I have always enjoyed doing is running. I started running my freshman year of high school after joining Cross Country. I realized when entering high school that I wanted to join a team and belong to a sport, however, I didn't have any sport specific skills to join some of the classic teams like soccer (thanks to the fact that I was the first born girl and did girly things like dance classes). I kept up with it from then on and have always gone back to it no matter what part of life gets in the way.
One of my favorite things to do with running is road races. After having Colin, my goal was to run in a race with him and that's what we did together this weekend at
Monmouth University! The
women's field hockey team and
Coach Carli sponsored a 5K run for Timmy Passarella, the brother of a former field hockey member who passed away from cancer. I was honored to participate in a great event for my 1st road race with Colin!
We started the day out by stretching together. We needed to get limber for the big race!He couldn't wait to run the race with me!
Chris was such a big supporter of us! He cheered for us and took pictures along the way! Colin stayed awake during the race (I was surprised!) and was kicking his feet the whole time. I think he really enjoyed himself!
The hardest part about running with Colin (besides the big hill!) was making turns. The front wheel of the running stroller doesn't swivel, so you have to pick the front of the stroller up to make the turn. There were a few times that it was a little rough going around a corner for Colin.
One of the basketball coaches was on my heels the whole time. She really pushed me and kept me going!
I was so proud of myself when crossing the finish line! It certainly isn't easy pushing a stroller when running (especially because you can't use your arms the way you are supposed to). However, I had the biggest motivator with me and he helped me to get a great time! 
I was definitely tired afterwards, but happy for accomlishing my goal!

My next challenge is the Save Barnegat Bay 8K (5 miles) in Lavallette, NJ. I can't wait!
In that picture where you are turning the corner you can actually see colin's hair blowing in the wind! You must have been running fast! Way to go!!
Girl!!! I'm SO PROUD OF YOU!!! I had no idea you were doing a race WITH Colin! You are unstoppable and such an inspiration!
And by the way, those pictures of Colin are TOO CUTE for me to handle! ha ha
I love you guys so much and can't wait to hear about the race!!! xoxo :)
Way to go, Team! (And, can I say, that the picture of Colin waving his stick is MONEY. Oh, what a crack up.)
Congrats on your run!
And I have to say, that the kissy face might be the cutest picture EVER!
What a great accomplishment! Oh and he is too cute for words, that is for sure!
Hey Kelli, I want everyone reading this to know that yes, with you being my first child born out of 4, I didn't think about putting you in all the different sports I played, especially soccer, but Mom put you in the dance classes. Believe me, after sitting through numerous recitals (pure torture except the 3 minutes out of 2 hours your child is dancing)I would have much rather have it that you played sports, like your 3 siblings. When I did try sports with you, it failed miserably, especially when I threw you a baseball and you caught the ball with your eye and not the glove. LOL. But seriously, running was the best thing you did, as it got the whole family involved in running, and we still do it today. P.S. Kelli was a terrific dancer, and I hope she puts one of her pictures up some day.
Way to go, Kelli!! An inspriation, you are:) And what an amazing team you and Colin make!! Congratulations on such a wonderful accomplishment.......and good luck with the 8K. NO doubt, you and Colin will tackle that one too:)
Awesome Job! I am looking for a jogger stroller so Jonathon and I can get out this summer and do some walking. I live in the country on a dirt road so my reg. stroller just doesnt work! I do agree you are an ispiration and Colin is so darn cute.
awesome. just awesome.
now, i just need to dust off my sneakers...hmmm...
Awesome. What a great accomplishment. Running any race is hard work let alone pushing a stroller. You are an inspiration. His kissy face is priceless! OOO so cute Colin.
oh I love running to and did track and field in university. Congrats on accomplishing your goal and still be out there running. I would like to do that my running is more like to get to school before the bell to pick up my older two. My little ones love it.
I have a phil and ted stroller so I can run to the bell with my two youngest in tow. My youngest Taylor Colin (middle name just like your special boy) and Ashley (she is 5 but can't walk yet still working on that goal.
I'm enjoying your blog by the way!
All of you that have a special child (of course ALL children are special) are an inspiration to me! I have been a special needs teacher on and off for 30 years. (being a parent came in the middle of that and then finally getting a job). You all are so dedicated and as a teacher that's wonderful to see! As a parent, unbelievable! I may have had 4 children in 5 years(no multiples) but never had the energy or coordination to run and be mom as well! Of course I am prejudice that Colin is a beautiful, fun, happy little boy! Also that Kelli and Chris are wonderful children and parents! Yes Kel, the dancing is my fault, but you really were talented! God bless all of you! Your children are blessed to have you as parents, and you are all blessed with beautiful children! Kel and Chris your friends that comment and might not have their own children have blessed Colin with their presence in his life!! Love, Nana
YAY! Great pictures from a nice day. Colin is the cutest little thing Kelli - he just makes me smile each time I see him.
Thank you for sharing :)
Awesome! If my hubby wasn't away, I would do the 8K with you. I can push one kid in the stroller, but not all three! =)
Great job!! You should feel proud.
Oh, and I almost forgot...Colin is so adorable. No wonder you had the energy to keep going with that cutie smiling at you! =)
I always wanted to be a runner, but I just don't think I have it in me...I love the picture of Colin with his stick and his kissy face!
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