Monday, October 2, 2017

Down Syndrome Awareness Month - Our Family (2)

When Colin was first born and we were still reeling from his diagnosis of Down Syndrome, one of the things we used to think about was the impact it was going to have on the family we had planned to have. What would it be like for us, his possible siblings, extended family, etc? I think THE hardest thing we were facing at the time was the unknown of what each day would bring, let alone, the future we were facing. We were grateful to have some very supportive friends and family who all showed us the power of love but there was no greater teacher on how to be a family than Colin himself.

The challenges we face here are the things that most families have difficulties with; growing schedules, parents who work full time, financial difficulties, etc. Of course there have been some added challenges but our family doesn't look much different than anyone else's. We are 5 people who all bring something different to the table and love each other very much.

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