Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day Post

Last night, the kids and I celebrated Valentine's Day by having a date night at the ice cream store.  This is a treat they are always super excited for and for a change, they were both really good at pickup after school.  Unfortunately, Chris was working so we were on our own, but it was still fun nonetheless!
They had to bring their naked babies with them.

Kailey felt like sharing lots of personal information to other customers, including the fact that she goes pee pees on the potty.

We tried to have a little photo shoot last night but it was extremely challenging to get both of them to cooperate at the same time. 

Little Miss Sassafrass.

Little tough guys who think they are SO funny!

Hope you all had a very love-filled Valentine's day!

1 comment:

Marietta said...

You are blessed with two beautiful children!