I think about Down Syndrome every day. It's not always for the same reason, or necessarily BECAUSE of Colin, but it does cross my mind at some point every day.
My first week back to school, it crossed my mind because I overheard teachers and other staff members during our NJ ASK standardized testing talk about how their special education students who were receiving extra help because of their diagnoses did not do well, or they felt bad for them because they had no idea what the questions were asking, etc. It made my stomach turn because I wondered if one day, someone was going to be talking about feeling bad for Colin because he wasn't doing well on his standardized tests, or because he was really struggling.
I thought about it in church today when our Pastor did a sermon on having faith and seeing God, even in the worst situations and it reminded me of his visit to us the day Colin's diagnosis was confirmed.

I thought it about it on Friday in school when one of my students said that something was the "R" word and I told him that he shouldn't be using that word (as I do with any word that is hurtful and inappropriate). At the end of class he came up and apolgized and told me that it was insensitive of him to say that (I told my students about Colin at the beginning of the year as I talked about their useage of certain words). It took me off guard, but I was so proud that he realized his actions were hurtful.
I thought about it when we were visiting a friend who is in a rehabilition center and another patient wanted to see Colin up close because he used to work with "them". He told us that "they" are highly intelligent. Yep, I definitely thought about it that day!
I thought about it in the grocery store when Colin waved hi and blew kisses at almost every person we passed. He brought so many smiles to so many faces.
There are times that thinking about Down Syndrome are for reasons that are bother me, upset me, or make me worry. More times than not, I think about it because of how Down syndrome has changed my life.
I am more aware.
I am more patient.
I am more blessed.
I think about Down Syndrome because I am proud of Colin for who he is and for how hard he works. He is so close to walking independently so tonight I was thinking about it because I can't wait for the feeling of when he takes his first steps...alone. He is so close, but I am patient and I will clap and cry and jump for joy the day it happens. It will be well worth the wait.