Today was Colin's picture day at I thought I would give you a quick view of what our handsome little boy looked like.

Before we left for the party, Colin got into a little bit of trouble, so we decided to test out his 1st ever "timeout". I'm not quite sure he got the concept, since when he was in the corner, all he did was laugh and look back at us and smile, but hey, at least we tried something.
What did I do Mommy?
Colin and Kaia happy to see each other
Playing on the slide and swings...
A smooch for the love birds...
Playing in the grass...
Happy hugs...
Now that he is crawling all over the place, we are moving right on to the next step with standing and eventually walking. Colin is working really hard with this and it's fun to see his progress.
But right now, it doesn't even matter...we are just happy to see our little boy so happy moving all over the place!
We are so proud of your accomplishment Colin!! xoxoxxoxoxo
Chris knows how I have been feeling about the therapy lately, so he did this for me...
thinking i'd try to "tweet" "blog" the Speech Therapy...
started out by waking his mouth and hands... on the mouth she "rubbed" his cheeks, jaw and tried to get IN his mouth, but he wasn't having that - she said he's definately teething cuz she could feel bumps. Vibration on his lips before he eats would be huge too - see if he'll let you do the zvibe on them...
started playing with shapes - and she ENUNCIATES everything and tries to get him to follow her lead.
now playing with cookie monster... while working on signs and mouth movements... he just mimicked AHHH to open Cooke monster's mouth - and she that is so huge - mimicking a sound on command is great!
she just said, he's doing so well this morning... onto the gumball machine - working on B sounds, including ball
onto BUBBLES!!! Bah bah bah...pop pop pop... he just laid back into the boppy pillow and SAT UP on his own TWICE, now three times, 4, 5... he keeps flopping back though, and i'm not sure why... 6x - they are playing with animal blocks
sounded like he just did the ahhh for open, and hah for hop
he's up to 10-12 situps... he's gonna be TIRED ... he just mimicked a cough... she just opened the chicken block... and there's apparently a mom, and baby chkicken in it... she said, here's the mama - and he looked around for YOU
amy was just winking at colin, and he giggled - atta boy!!!!
he is now putting the blocks away into a bag... being a great helper
they are building an ice cream cone, and he's just sitting there staring at it with his mouth open - so funny!! ice cream is cold , brrrrrrrrrrrr... the cone thing is good for him - she got it at target. she said that marshall's has a good educational toy section - especially around the holidays - boutique type toys then
she just said HIS MOUTH IS WATERING - from the ice cream cone!! guess he deserves some tonight!
finishing up... he did excellent, great day... imitating more and more each week - he's on his way - gonna be a great talker
she suggested you buy those veggie sticks and grahma crackers for colin to use during therapy
occupational therapy:
i had asked regina last week about colin's banging his chin or head, and she thought about it over the week... she said she doessn't think its a sensory thing for him, but more behavioral, and to treat it like a behavior thing, which means saying NO, and taking him out of the situation/position.
she started by brushing him, then sat in high chair to try lil foods again - wanted nothing to do with it... seems tired after Speech... she then took a weekly pill box, and put lil animals in each day to get him to pick them out. she seems to think that he lacks "strength" in the 2 fingers which is why he uses the whole hand to pick up... work on trying to isolate the 2 fingers and picking up...
wouldn't use right hand at all to pick up
now on floor playing and doing some weight bearing exercises... she has him on the boppy in 'tummy time' position and doing reaching, grabbing and putting in a bucket
playing with an aligators mouth, and isolating the index finger to push down its teeth individually... both hands
working with different toys getting him to use certain fingers... playing very well with her, doign very well with imitation with her too
Both Amy and Regina love the bristle blocks, btw
regina working with bubbles now too... hoping he isolates finger to pop the bubble...
And sometimes I get pictures/videos as well. I am lucky to have such a considerate husband!
Especially when I'm holding a big piece of paper that I just want to RIP!
I think I hear you in the background, but I'm too busy trying to rip the paper!
OH Mommy, you moved it to the floor?! I guess I'll just have to reach for it!
Uh oh, I'm kinda stuck! Good thing I can use my new skills and sit back up!
Hmmm, I guess I'll have to use another skill and turn around first...
and then get on the floor to the paper where I can rip my little heart out!
Colin had a brand new shirt for his big 1st day. He is using the same backpack again this year (mostly because it's just so cute and frankly, doesn't need a new one just yet), but can you believe the difference from last year? He sat in a bumbo seat slumped a bit! This year he is sitting independently with his legs hanging on the 1st step!
This year was emotional for me in a different way...we don't have a fear of the unknown because Colin has done so well at his school and was so happy there last year. I am still sad to leave my little boy, especially when he came off of a great summer with lots of time spent together as a family. I know it was a really hard 1st part of the day for him, but just as I am finding now with a new job...the 1st steps are always the hardest.
Sometimes, you even feel like crying...
But then you perservere...
you work really hard and you just may be able to sleep on a mat like a big boy...
(or accomplish whatever challenges you may face)
Because as long as you have a good attitude, and you get past those 1st few steps, everything will be ok...