How did Colin get from a position perpendicular to this one, where his head was on the right side of the picture, his body at the bottom of the picture, and end up this way when he is not crawling or scooting on carpet?
...just maybe he is?

We laughed over this one! I put him down just as I had described, walked out of the room for 5 minutes and when I came back he was like this! He was just looking at me like "hey mommy!"
I love it...but I wanna did he get like this?!
LOL! All of a sudden, he is just going to be doing that for you when you aren't expecting it! He apparently wants to make his Mommy happy with a nice surprise!
Did he roll and backwards scoot into position? Love when they surprise us don't you? His expression is priceless!
I love the expression on his face! Better watch him if he's scooting around!! Colin is on the move!! Love, Nana
Judging by the expression, I wouldn't be surprised if he stood up, sauntered over, and did a breakdance spin into his relaxed-on-the-belly-oh-hi-mom position. Love it.
Oh the things kids will do when they know who ISN'T watching! :) I'm excited to find out how he got there once you catch him in the act!
Looks like he knows what's going on and is proud of his movement. Once he figures out that he CAN move, he will. Cutie pie!
That's easy - YOU BLINKED....Colin is a man on the move...and just wants to keep mom at the "top of her game"! Looks like a baby step turned into a giant one:)! Enjoy the weekend of nice weather and Colin fun.
XXOO-Love Randy
P.S. Jarred showed me the latest picture of him snuggling with Colin - LOVED IT - both "boys" smile their best smiles when they are in the gym I suppose!
heheee...uh oh kelli! you've got a mover on your hands! life will never be the same!
This is how it is with Lucas too. We leave him for a few minutes and he's all the way across the room!
It looks like our boys are only a month apart. I look forward to reading more about you and Colin.
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