June is always a good time in my house...Chris and I come off of a long school year with lots of craziness running around from game to game, working weekends, and having to make the most of our small amount of time together. This year has been especially busy with my student teaching in the fall to finish my Masters degree and working full time, packing to move, and actually moving twice (we're halfway there!).

June is our transition time into the summer and we always enjoy it. Work is lighter and more flexible and we can actually do things together after work like normal people do!
Today, Colin and I walked down the street to the bay beach that also has a park too! We waited for Daddy to meet us there so that we could spend a little bit of time together before dinner. We had so much fun!!
Colin and I spent a little bit of time on the beach at first and in this video you can see Colin saying his favorite word to say..."hi!". You can also see him taking off his least favorite article of clothing, his hat!
Colin loves inspecting the sand, picking it up and dropping it out of his hand. I can't get him to self-feed with food, yet, I caught him picking up a pile of sand and putting it in his mouth! Go figure! He is so curious about everything going on around him.
After Daddy got to the park, we went on the swings! Colin LOVES the swing and we get some of the happiest smiles out of him while he feels the wind on his face!
LOL- with the hat! Too funny- Bennett is the same way (well, you already know this) and I try not to get annoyed with him but sometimes I just want him to wear his darn hat!;) Love the last pic-adorable!!
Kelli, he's getting so big! Wow.....but he's still CUTE as ever. Landon won't keep his hats on either. And I LOVE hats:( Love the video and how he says "Hi"........SO SWEET:)
Look at that boy!! Love the pictures of Collin swinging- pure joy.
In Him,
Soooo cute. That last photo is priceless!
Such a cute video! Gage hates to wear his own hat, I can't ever get him to keep it on! I'm going to have to get him one with the strap like Colin's to try to keep it on longer!
I love that you can walk down the street to the beach! What a great smile on the swings, he is having so much fun!
Too cute! Jonathon is always ripping his hat off too! I love the way he says HI
He is so darn cute!! That is just precious!!!
Oh my goodness, he is just SOOOOOO adorable. I LOVE the new header, it's perfect, it makes me smile too!!
oh my he is just so cute! adorable video!
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