Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Rough Waters
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Our Life in a Nutshell
Anyway, these are some tidbits of our life...
I received a phone call and an email from Shoprite regarding my experience where I overheard one of the workers using the R word. The woman who called left a message that was several minutes long where she apologized for my experience. She said that it was not the way she wanted her employees to portray their business and since Shoprite was owned by different companies, she was forwarding my email on to the company of the store that I visited. A few days later, I received an email from the customer service department of that company. Here are a few excerpts...
"We were very concerned to read about the associate conversation you overhead while shopping. Please accept our deepest apologies. Such remarks are insensitive and unacceptable and we want to assure you that they do not reflect the values of the store or the ShopRite/Wakefern organization."
"As you suggested, we will strive to use your experience as a training tool to help our associates have a better understanding of the impact of their words and actions on customers and their fellow associates."
"We know how difficult it was for you to share your experience with us, Mrs. Tobin. It’s our hope that your feedback will serve as lesson for all of our associates to strive to treat customers and each other with caring and respect."
I was happy they took the time to respond to my email but I also hope they are true to their words and will use my experience as an educational tool for their employees.
Colin's pediatrician called the other day and informed us that Colin's blood work results showed an increase in the thyroid enzymes circulating in the blood. This is common in children with Down Syndrome, so she is referring us to a pediatric endocrinologist so that they can check his thyroid and determine if medication is needed at this time. She said that the enzymes shouldn't be above a 5, but Colin's were a 6. We'll check it out and go from there.
Colin continues to work hard with physical therapy. We are happy because he is finally starting to bear some weight on his legs either holding on to the seat of the couch, the back of the couch, and most especially, where he can "pull up" on something where he can grip better. I say "pull up" lightly because he is starting to make some effort, but with assistance.

I have now run in two 5 mile races over the past 2 weeks and have accomplished some big goals (Colin is such a great motivation!). The 1st race I ran with our friend Simon and was able to run under 8 minute miles for a personal best in many years. Colin and Chris were such great supporters!

Yesterday, I ran the 2nd race with Simon, my brother Pat, sister Kim, and Dad. If you remember from last year, my goal was to be able to finish the race after having had Colin 2 months prior. This year, I wanted to run WITH Colin and still be competitive.
I was happy with myself because while my time wasn't as fast as it was the week prior, I accomplished a large goal by running with Colin. I'm so lucky to have such a supportive husband...he tells me how proud he is of me and it makes me feel like a million bucks! Chris, my mom and Leslie were great cheerleaders!
Yesterday was the official start of our summer!! These are the days where we spend most of them on the beach...there is such a different feel about summer for me than any other time of year. Despite everything else going on in my life, I can relax at the beach! Colin was ready to go up for the 1st time in his wagon...
He is really enjoying the sand and the sun (and as always, laughing with Daddy!)!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Therapy Updates

You better believe the next day I called right away!
We had our appointment today and I am extremely happy with the way that it went. The feeding assessment "team" involved a psychologist (I think that's what she was), dietician, occupational therapist, and speech therapist. They asked a lot of questions to begin regarding Colin's eating habits and our concerns.
Our concerns:
- lack of self feeding (except pretzel rods)
- difficulties with "chunks" and harder textures
- Difficulties controlling liquids through a straw
After they highlighted our concerns, they had us feed Colin all different types of foods that we give him on a regular basis including things he loves, things that he will eat but has trouble with, and things he does not want to eat. They watched for approximately 30 minutes and gave us some tips while we were feeding.
The conclusions:
* Colin's problem is not the chunks/textures themselves, it's the inability to do something with the food. He just doesn't know what to do with anything he can't just swallow like pureed foods. They had us push the food off of the spoon into the sides of his mouth, and they saw hints of "munching" and moving the food.
* He does great overall with the cup, but still struggles with controlling the amount of liquid from a straw.
* There is some clear lack of skill with picking food up and putting it to his mouth.
The solutions:
* Place food in the sides of his mouth so that he has to learn how to do something with it.
* All food should be put in the food processor and made into really small pieces and mixed with a thicker consistency that "goes with" the food. For example, instead of us "hiding" all of the chunky foods in applesauce, we should try to find something that goes better with the vegetables. Broccoli mixed with the water it was steamed it, turkey and gravy, etc.
* Any types of puffs, cereal, etc. that he doesn't do well with should be soaked in milk first and then put into the sides of his mouth to practice doing something with it.
* Something thicker like a smoothie should be sucked up from the straw so that it's slower going into his mouth as he learns to coordinate sucking, moving, and swallowing the liquid.
* Enhance the self feeding that he does do like self feeding with a spoon. Instead of having him grab the spoon with food from our hands, put it on the tray and have him pick it up from the tray.
We will wait to hear what our insurance covers in terms of outpatient feeding services, but in the meantime we have a lot to start with.
Colin was extremely social while we were there waving hi and giving kisses out in the waiting room.

While we were waiting for the team to come back, Colin was having fun entertaining us and making us laugh!

Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day!

We would also like to wish our fathers a very happy father's day as well! We are so thankful to have you both in our lives!
Colin and his Grandad...(my Dad)
...and Colin and his Grandpa (Chris' dad)
Friday, June 18, 2010
Colin's 1st Haircut

He only made ONE complaint when we 1st put him down, but I don't even know if you could even consider it a complaint!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I am Thankful for...

...a husband who always takes care of me, no matter the time of day (or time of night) by rubbing my head to make me feel better.
...ice cream.
...the McAlisters for giving us a place to stay for a whole month. We love you guys!
...a Grammy who tells me every day that I talk to her that she prays for me and my family. It means so much!
...my favorite comfy pants.
...those little moments that wouldn't mean anything to anyone else, but happen when you catch something that makes you smile and even makes you a little teary eyed because it was that great of a moment.
...when Colin fits in the crook of my neck and feels so warm and loving.
...good/relieving news.
...and many more things!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Ignorance at its Best

Monday, June 14, 2010
Weekend Recap

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Last Day of School
One thing Chris and I always knew from the beginning was that we were going to have to use day care for our children. One day over breakfast at a diner we actually tried to calculate the numbers to see how it would work if I stayed home and it just didn't work unfortunately. We were in the hole long before we bought groceries and turned the lights on. It's just the way it is. We worked hard to find a place that we felt comfortable with and from the 1st moment I walked into the Growing Tree Children's Academy, I just knew we had found it.
The 1st week I definitely had those moments dropping Colin off where I shed a few tears and worried about someone else taking care of my baby, especially Colin. He needed a little bit more than most kids and I worried about things like if he would do enough exercises or if he would get all that he needed. However, as I got to know the teachers and staff, I didn't worry...

Colin was such a good boy waving hi to the people around us, but he also seemed a little bit bummy...he was probably sad that it was his last day of school! Little does he know what he has in store for him all summer!